
After the visit to Toronto I had this feeling that the gate of the world was wide open and I can, after all those long years of European travel,  really expand to the rest of the world. I knew that after Sydney it will be Singapore and then India. I booked the same flight as Barbara did a month ago - Air India - starting from Paris. Before landing in Sydney we stopped in Geneva, Kuwait, Delhi, Bombay, Singapore, and Perth. In some places we just refuelled, in other places we had to take a luggage and board another plane. The flight took 36 hours, I had no idea when it was the day and when was the night. Anyway, I couldn't wait to see Sydney, but even more than that,  I was looking forward to seeing Barbara (well, that was our longest term being apart in our married life.....). Barbara was waiting for me at the airport.


The Prince Hospital in Little Bay - our residence

View of Sydney Harbour from Taronga Zoo

Taronga Zoo

Opera House & Sydney Harbour Bridge from the boat


Sydney Harbour

Sightseeing around the Sydney Harbour

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Sydney Harbour Bridge toll gates

Also, we got out of Sydney...

The Parliament in Canberra

Blue Mountains - Three Sisters

Blue Mountains

Cockatoo parrot in Blue Mountains


Happy couple (with 3 sisters behind us)

With my new hat

We spent a fabulous weekend at Barbara's friends Linda and Ron (2 and half hours by car from Sydney). This is a view from their garden which was attached to the salt lake. Ron was fully equipped for water sports (a speedboat included)

The next day I took a challenge - Ron was in charge of the boat -  I was in control over the skis. I did a lot of snow skiing in the past, but it was pretty different on water