Foreword about my Website

This is my very first attempt to create a Family Website. It is aimed only for my family and friends. I didn't spend much time collecting my thoughts therefore you may find everything a bit chaotic. However, as I continue developing my site further I shall be making improvements, introducing new photos and keeping it UP-TO-DATE.

Front Page contains 6 main buttons:

Archive Photos old pictures from my homeland (Czech Republic)
Czech Family interesting snaps of my brothers, sisters & other relatives
English Family photos and news about my wife, boys & English relatives
Friends memorable pictures of my close friends
IWS group photo of IWS staff. This page links to Dr Solomon's official EX-IWS club page
News Any news on Hanak House home front. Currently, it displays the circular I sent to everybody last Christmas. 

From each page you can then branch further according to your interest:

Left arrow = previous page,  Right arrow= next page, Home =top page

I have tried my best to make my Website as compatible as possible with the vast range of different computers, screens and modems. Unfortunately, it  may misbehave on certain workstations. (For instance, I know that NETSCAPE doesn't recognize certain Czech characters). Therefore, please let me know your problems, your feedback will be highly appreciated, and I shall use your comments for further improvements.

Please forward your comments to:


